Sunday, June 24, 2007

Furry plant

Anyone has any idea what kind of plant this is? We think it's a

desert plant or maybe a carnivorous plant (like the Venus flytrap).


CaBaCuRl said...

Yes, i agree with you...looks like some sort of carnivorous plant.

Anonymous said...

I have been surprised at the number of "flower" posts this morning and most of them are the showing blooms that are alike or similar in color. I find that amazing.

Abraham Lincoln
Wishing you the best of both worlds

Anonymous said...

That's Drosera adelae, a tropical Australian sundew.

Anonymous said...

Interesting plant. Never seen one in my life before till now.

Lavenderlady said...

I am amazed that twoton just rattled the name right off. It is an interesting plant.

Two&2 LA said...

thanks for the info, twoton. We sometimes can't figure out what the kinds of plants/trees/leaves we took. Botany is a *TOUGH* job; there is SO much different plants/trees/leaves out there!